고양이와 나쁜 호흡 : 가능한 원인과해야할 일

Dog’s aren’t the only pets that can suffer bad breath. Cats too can emit powerful, foul smelling odours when they open their mouths, which can also make their fur reek after they engage in a thorough grooming session. Whilst your cat’s breath is not supposed to scent sweetly of perfume, if it smells strongly unpleasant there are a variety of medical conditions that may be to blame.

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Bacterial colonies in residence of kitty’s mouth are the uninvited occupants responsible for unpleasant smells. This bacteria may not only cause you to want to hold your breath when your cat starts yowling for dinner but also seriously affect your cat’s health. Bacteria spread via the bloodstream from the mouth to other organs, such as the liver, kidneys and heart can result in serious ailments, and even organ failure making bad breath more than problem for your nose.

If your cat’s dental problems are more advanced, a trip to the vet for extensive teeth cleaning may be essential. The procedure involves placing the cat under anaesthetic and scraping away large amounts of residue – and even removal of certain teeth if it appears deterioration has drastically progressed.

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If your cat appears to have perfect teeth, yet still suffers horrid breath, other feline disorders may be responsible. Bad breath is a symptom of kidney disease and diabetes along with a number of other feline diseases and syndromes. If you suspect these my be an issue with your cat, veterinary diagnosis and treatment is essential.