고양이 싸움을 중지하는 방법

Whenever there are two or more cats in a household, there’s always potential for fighting. Cat fights can occur for several reasons, but the most common is due to poor socialization or a lack of positive experiences with other cats. Here are some tips on how to prevent your cats from fighting:
When There's A New Cat In Town
Cats are very territorial animals, so it makes sense that a new cat coming in to your home could be seen as a threat. The best way to prevent your resident cat and the newcomer from fighting is to take things slow. You should keep the new cat segregated at first, and make sure he has his own litter box, toys, food and water bowl. During this time the resident cat can observe the newcomer and eventually learn to trust them like you do.
Other Reasons For Fighting
Just like humans take their anger out on those who may not deserve it, cats do the same to their housemates. For example, your cat could spot something outside through the window. Territorial and unable to investigate, your cat becomes irritated and may attack the cat closest to them. This redirected aggression is considered typical, so pay attention to what irritates your cat and find ways to prevent it.
Cats hide illness very well and aggression towards other cats could be a sign they're not feeling too hot. No one likes to be bothered when they’re sick right? If you think this could be the case, it’s time for a trip to the vet.
How To Break Up A Fight
If a fight’s already begun the best way to end it is with a distraction. Never try to break up the fight by getting in the middle of it or you could end up with some battle wounds yourself. Instead you should interrupt them by making a loud sound, like a loud clap or a bang on a pan. The noise will send your cats running and hopefully in opposite directions.
Other Tips To Prevent Fighting
- Neuter male cats
- Reduce competition between cats by providing them with their own things
- Have multiple cat towers so they can each have their own space
- Reward your cats when they’re friendly with eachother